PHNOM PENH: Prime Minister Hun Sen has instructed the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to consider the current situation in the country, including the development capacity of officials at both the national and sub-national levels, and the level of accountability, management and implementation of a decentralized and deconcentrated education sector, in order to build a stronger education system in Cambodia. He made these remarks during his speech to mark the opening of the 2021-2022 school year on Monday morning.
Prime Minister Hun Sen said that the opening of the school year today comes after many months of struggle with Covid-19 by the Royal Government and the people of Cambodia. The Prime Minister stated that the decision to reopen schools was made to build strength and in order to return to a stronger sense of normalcy, thus he urged the Ministry of Education to consider the options and develop a wide range of teaching and learning resources to ensure a responsive and vibrant educational service, especially focusing on making the teaching and learning process flexible and educational services decentralized.
In particular, he stated that the education system must respond to the labor market by applying new approaches and skills needed in the digital age. In this regard, the Prime Minister stated that he also instructed the Ministry to consider digital education and distance learning options more, while ensuring that all educational institutions improve their health and hygiene provisions in the context of Covid-19, and also continuing to raise awareness among students on the measures necessary to respond to, and participate in, preventing the spread of Covid-19 in educational institutions.
He continued that educational institutions at all levels must prepare safe environments, regularly clean the schools, provide clean water, toilets and washrooms, and aim towards improving their green spaces, with more park-like areas for students to enjoy. All such measures, the Prime Minister said, are in order to make schools a more suitable place for education and training for the development of clean minds, good attitudes and reduction of mental or physical harassment.
He added that at the same time, educational institutions must be equipped to respond effectively and efficiently to major emergencies, such as hot weather, floods, typhoons and epidemics. He also urged the relevant authorities, parents, teachers and media to support the learning of students to promote and foster the potential of Cambodia’s next generation.
He also delivered a message directly to students, saying, "Let all students and youth continue to work hard to study and research consistently, and participate in 'good deeds' for growth in family, society and our country. Overall, stay away from drugs and other vices."
The Royal Government of Cambodia announced the closure of all schools on March 2020 in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 among students, ushering in the quick turn to digital and online education. However, due to the success of the national vaccination campaign, Cambodia fully reopened the on 1 November and officially closed the 20 February event on 20 December, meaning that schools were able to reopen in the new year.